Thursday, October 21, 2010

Save Biodiversity Now!

Dear All,

Please check out CEEweb’s most recent press release about what we would like to be achieved in Nagoya, Japan during CBD COP10. You can read it under "Governments of the biggest biodiversity convention should act now in order to halt biodiversity loss by 2020" already in English, Hungarian, German, Polish, Serbian, Spanish, Ukrainian: And now I would like to grab also the opportunity to thank for Andriy-Taras Bashta, Katrin Gebhard, Milka Gvozdenovic, Dejan Zagorac, Monika Kotulak, Samuel Martin Sosa to make this happen.

You can follow what is happening in Nagoya at the following links:

Enjoy reading and watching!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Demonstrating sustainalble farming

Two members of CEEweb - Estonian Fund for Nature and Latvian Fund for Nature are working on a project to promote environmental-friendly farming in the project Development of Latvian-Estonian network for demonstration of enviromentally friendly farming practices.

They have chosen 10 environmental friendly farms in Latvia and 10 in Estonia to be linked in a demonstration network. Farm management plans will be prepared to advise best ways of farming in an environmental and financial sustainable ways. Farmers will have several lectures about nature values on the farms and ways to plan their finances, and also ways to tell visitors about what they are doing on their farms. Next spring farmers will have the opportunity to go to an experience exchange trip to Sweden and Latvian and Estonian farmers will visit each other. Special demonstration tools for each farm will be prepared with experts in order to depict the specific features of the agricultural lands and their owners.

During next summer everyone who is interested in this great initiatives of sustainable farming, please visit Estonia and Latvia.